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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Freedom or Security?

Most of us are indoctrinated with the idea to go for security. To go to school and get a save and secure job. This however is not freedom, neither a lot of security. Most security is offered by a prison where most of your days will be exactly the same for possible a long time. Freedom does not come by winning the lottery and having millions on your bank account. Freedom comes by knowing how to generate income in such a way that you do not have to work for it, in combination with a millionair mind. Freedom is to work for yourself on creating these streams of income, enjoying the path towards your own goals, constantly learning and having a great feeling of achievement. The most interesting part is where you work on the powers of your mind. How big are the goals your set for yourself? How seriously do you deal with them? Do you write them down? Do you create a plan towards achieving them? Do you monitor your progress? Do you prioritize them and other things?

Goalsetting is key at the beginning of your journey towards financial independence...!

(Financial)Security does not comes with the millions (remember the carbage guy?) it comes with knowledge how to realize them, and applied action!

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